On this Wide-Format Weekly: A bevy of resources celebrating Women’s History Month, a profile of a company reaping the benefits of a printer/OEM partnership, how in-plant operations are moving into rigid signage, a discussion of a new wide-format press, and new products just now hitting the market.
Women’s History Month Features
Lane Kathryn Hickey-Wiggins on Being a Woman President and CEO
Elaine Scrima: Her 29 Year Career Journey from Restaurants to Print
Ann Marie Lentz: Constant Re-Invention
Leading the Way: Jenny Harris’ Journey in Print
Adriane Harrison on Workplace Inclusivity, Allyship, and Progress for Women in Print
Lisbeth Lyons Black on Women's History Month, Women in Print Alliance
Durst Technology Brings Growth Opportunities for Britten Inc.
Commentary: A Closer Look at HP’s New Wide-format Presses
Rigid Signage: Rich with Opportunity for In-plants
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