Andrea Riccardi

Karis Copp is a U.K.-based journalist and communications specialist. With a background as a writer and editor in the print industry, she writes about print and technology news and trends, reports on industry events, and works with businesses to help them tell their stories and connect with their customers. Follow her on Twitter @KarisCoppMedia.

Durst's new P5 X wide-format printer breaks from tradition in two fundamental ways. It’s the company's first true flatbed design, and it's designed for mid-market PSPs not necessarily doing high production volumes.

Durst launched the P5 TEX iSUB. The abbreviation iSUB stands for "inline sublimation." This eliminates individual work steps, resulting in a significant increase in quality and efficiency for the user.

FESPA 2019 returned to Munich from May 14 – 17, and certainly seemed to live up to its "explosion of possibilities" strapline, with a plethora of applications on display demonstrating ongoing diversification within print.

Durst won a European Digital Press Association award  for its P5 350 printing system for large format specialists. Launched at FESPA and based on the P5 technology platform, the Durst P5 350 triumphed in the EDP Flatbed/Hybrid Printer < 250 sqm/h category.

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