Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The Latest
The Tsunami of AI

Those who hold fast and embrace AI will reap its many benefits. And those who refuse, will be swept away by the tide of change.

React, Recover, Resolve

There is a problem with an order and the client is not happy. What happens next can be crush your customer relationship or solidify it.

A Scientific Approach to AI

Bill Farquharson has been curious about AI and if it can be trusted. In this week’s blog, he asks a scientist about AI and integrity.

Astonished by AI

Attendees of a printing symposium were awestruck by a presentation on artificial intelligence that left them eager to investigate AI.

Recent Blogs
Recent Video

A.I. tools are increasingly used in human resources activities. Onamica Dhar, Economist at PRINTING United Alliance, shares recent findings about how it is being used, and the challenges faced to users of these technologies. This brief presentation is based on the findings of the Alliance's recent report, A.I. in the Printing Industry: The Journey Begins.