Training and Education
Duplo USA has found the “one giant show” where it can spotlight its portfolio of finishing solutions in front of all the audiences its wants to attract: PRINTING United.
All 255 entries will be displayed in the Golden Image Gallery/Product of the Year Gallery at the 2018 SGIA Expo.
His keynote will discuss the intersection of personal relationships and personal brands.
Blending education, product awareness and networking, the Summit demonstrates a significant value to attendees and sponsors.
STAHLS’ CEO Carleen Gray will introduce featured speaker Kathy Korman Frey, who will focus on mentoring.
The Las Vegas Convention Center will be bursting at the seams for the final installment of the SGIA Expo this fall.
Graphic designer Aaron Draplin will present two sessions at the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association’s (SGIA) THREADX 2019 conference.
The honor recognizes members who have made highly significant contributions to graphic arts education over an extended period of time.
Since the new regulatory program includes provisions for internet sales, the new warning label requirements are already raising issues
Rachel Thomas will join SGIA as the new director of exhibit services, handling all communication and coordination related to events.