Business Management - Operations

Wide-Format Weekly 12/11/23
December 14, 2023 at 1:46 pm

This week on Wide-Format Weekly, we visited Mimaki’s first-ever "microfactory" event; Content editor Allee Bruce wrote a profile on family-owned Simpson Print; Pantone has announced its 2024 color of the year; A look inside Vegan Junk Food Bar, a restaurant that used a Canon Colorado 1650 with UVgel technology to achieve a 2D look. 

Whit Copley of Copley Visual Talks Making The Leap to Owning a Business
November 15, 2023 at 12:04 pm

Wide-format Impressions Editor-in-Chief Denise Gustavson chatted with Whit Copley, owner and CEO of Copley Visual about his time in the print industry, and why he made the decision to switch from being a vendor and selling equipment to owning his own print operation and how making that leap has been for him. 

Wide-Format Weekly (11/2/23)
November 2, 2023 at 11:48 am

On this episode of Wide-Format Weekly, we highlight hot products from PRINTING United Expo, discuss business-selling strategies, profile Phase 3 Marketing and Communications and Image Options, and preview the 2024 Wide-Format Summit.

POLI-TAPE USA Announces Headquarters Move to Tulsa
October 26, 2023 at 11:10 am

POLI-TAPE USA, a sales and logistics hub for the POLI-TAPE GROUP, will relocate its headquarters from Jacksonville, Florida, to 12322 East 55th Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74134.

PHASE 3 Marketing and Communications: Many Steps to Success
October 19, 2023 at 10:26 am

For Phase 3 Marketing and Communications, a marketing and printing company headquartered in Atlanta, with production facilities in Atlanta, Dallas, Nashville, Charlotte, and Mountain Lakes, New Jersey, the tagline “ideation to execution” is a North Star – guiding principle that remains a constant amid the company’s growth and evolution.