Business Management - Operations
Dean DeMarco, Middlestreet Graphics and Displays, assumes role of Chairman; and newest board members to join in 2024 are Mark Bailey, SanMar; Carla Johanns, Simpson Screen Print Ltd.; and Eric Kahle, Visual Marking Systems Inc.
Maria Kennedy, Center Manager shares why she is attending the PRINTING United Expo, what she hopes to learn, and what excites her about the upcoming event.
#1 Network announced a new partnership with Valiani, a Summa Company. This strategic alliance is set to revolutionize the cutting, routing, and digital finishing solutions market in the United States and Canada.
Michael Rhodes shares why he is attending the PRINTING United Expo, what he hopes to learn, and what excites him about the upcoming event.
Greg Blovits shares why he is attending the PRINTING United Expo, what he hopes to learn, and what excites him about the upcoming event.
Darryn Semeniuk shares why he is attending the PRINTING United Expo, what he hopes to learn, and what excites him about the upcoming event.
Carla Johanns shares why she is attending the PRINTING United Expo, what she hopes to learn, and what excites her about the upcoming event.
Chamayne Jordan shares why she is attending the PRINTING United Expo, what she hopes to learn, and what excites her about the upcoming event.
Roland DG announced that, following the stock acquisition announcement made on July 31, 2023, UAB Dimense print, located in Vilnius, Lithuania, has officially changed its name to UAB DG DIMENSE.
Karyn Anonia shares why she is attending the PRINTING United Expo, what she hopes to learn, and what excites her about the upcoming event.