Business Management - Industry Trends
From cutting-edge product launches to groundbreaking education and networking opportunities to mass sales on the show floor, this year’s Expo in Las Vegas delivered in a big way
Of the wide-format companies that I’ve seen thriving across the last couple of decades, one key commonality is the ability to shift.
As Day Three brought PRINTING United Expo to a close, the event ended on a high note.
This series of articles presents four wide-format companies that have undertaken the quest for new directions. Through healthy doses of inspiration, a can-do spirit, and the willingness to go the extra mile to maximize their offerings, they have found strong ways to differentiate themselves by product, by value, and by reputation.
ER2 Image Group has followed where opportunity led. In doing so, it finds itself serving highly specialized spaces.
Design to Print makes sustainability as big of a priority as it does high quality and superior service.
Business owners from across the wide-format spectrum are here to connect, compare, and purchase – defining future directions for their businesses.
This week's episode features exclusive team coverage highlighting key impressions and takeaways from the 2024 PRINTING United Expo in Las Vegas. The event is large and dynamic, and attendees packed the aisles. Check it out!
Discover insights from Brooke Hamilton, the new Chair of PRINTING United Alliance.
After months of preparation and anticipation, the PRINTING United Expo—the print industry's premier event, kicked off on Tuesday morning at the Las Vegas Convention Center.