Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Marco Boer, vice president of I.T. Strategies and keynote presenter at this year's Wide-Format Summit, answers questions submitted by event attendees. This week's question: What is the effect of artificial intelligence on wide-format graphics?
Industry leaders will explore AI’s transformative impact and opportunity on print workflows, automation, and business strategies at this premier event at the Fontainebleau Las Vegas.
This isn’t the future — it’s happening now. Businesses that embrace AI are becoming more efficient, productive, and profitable.
You scored an appointment with a top prospect. Now comes the arduous task of preparing for the sales call. Here’s a tip to help.
With a setting that feels like stepping into a fairy tale, Hunkeler Innovationdays in Lucerne, Switzerland was a memorable event.
As print technology continues to evolve — and turnaround times become quicker and quicker — automation, efficiency, and quality have become critical aspects to staying competitive.
Those who hold fast and embrace AI will reap its many benefits. And those who refuse, will be swept away by the tide of change.
A.I. tools are increasingly used in human resources activities. Onamica Dhar, Economist at PRINTING United Alliance, shares recent findings about how it is being used, and the challenges faced to users of these technologies. This brief presentation is based on the findings of the Alliance's recent report, A.I. in the Printing Industry: The Journey Begins.
Automation is no longer just a ‘nice to have’ option in your operation — it’s a critical tool that makes the difference between profitability and closing the doors.
Artificial intelligence is one of the most talked about topics in the printing industry, and indicators of an AI revolution are increasingly present.