AUSTIN, Texas — February 14, 2019 — Everyone may not be Irish on St. Patrick’s Day, but everyone can take part in the fun. That means profit opportunities including parties to parades and festivals for savvy apparel decorators. More than 40 stock and rhinestone heat transfers from WildSide let you be ready with just the right design for any customer or event.
WildSide stock transfers now include a variety of Irish/American pride designs, with innovative takes such as shillelagh and shamrock flags. There are also transfers for Irish women and girls of all nationalities, a Celtic knot, humorous and party shirts and lots of leprechauns.
Classic to cartoon art styles cater to customers of all ages. And rhinestone designs let you add a touch of elegance to your Irish offerings, boosting sales and profit margins.
Check out WildSide’s “Selling St. Patrick’s Day T-shirts” blog at for ideas on how to make March 17 your lucky day.
View the St. Patrick’s Day stock design collection at and go to to see WildSide’s rhinestone holiday designs.
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