Technology Integration
Today’s consumers are no longer passive when it comes to shopping. They want to see all their choices and they want full access to product information, including technical specs and customer reviews.
When it comes to engaging with customers, one of the best places to start is right in their customers’ hands: their smartphones. According to Pew Research, “59% of Americans say that they have used their cellphones to call or text someone while inside a store to discuss purchases they are thinking of making.” In addition, “62% (of 18- to 49-year-old shoppers) have used their phones to look up online reviews of something they were thinking of purchasing or to see if they could find a better price online.” (Click here to view the full report).
Smart phones could help provide consumers with easier store navigation and quick access to product availability, whether online or at another store. Additionally, phone owners could opt-in to location-based apps that trigger in-store activity in trusted retail environments. Through their phone, they could receive special offers, interact with in-store digital displays or even provide directions to specific products and items of interest.

Denise Gustavson is the Editorial Director for the Alliance Media Brands — which includes Printing Impressions, Packaging Impressions, In-plant Impressions, Wide-Format Impressions, Apparelist, NonProfitPRO, and the PRINTING United Journal — PRINTING United Alliance.