Innovation is one of those words that can mean different things to different people. It can be small changes that make big differences, or massive shifts that can alter the course of a company’s history — and everything in between.
This year, we profiled four companies that have embraced innovation in four very different ways. CCG Marketing Services, Circle Graphics, Empire Screen Printing, and Miller Zell have each found success in a challenging last year. We talked with each of them to learn more about how they approached those challenges — and the opportunities that challenges create — head on, as well as how they not only made it through the pandemic, but set themselves up for growth in the coming years.
For these four companies, it’s not enough to simply survive to print another day. It’s about thriving, no matter what obstacles they may face, and truly embracing new technologies, new ideas, and new ways of approaching business. These are lessons that every printer can learn from — and use to take their own business to the next level and beyond.
Below are the links to the four profiles, and a closer look at what makes each of them unique.

Toni McQuilken is the senior editor for the printing and packaging group.