Sustainability Is Here To Stay
Likewise, the Apparel and Footwear International RSL Management (AFIRM) Group focus has been the continuous advancement of chemicals management, including phasing out or limiting restricted substances to established limits in apparel, footwear, and accessories. Their members use the limits as specifications for their supply chain partners.
Create an Action Plan
At this point in the evolution of sustainability and the emerging circular economy, the customer is dictating your actions as they relate to your relationship with them. However, it is clear that additional legislation and regulation is on its way. Legislation and regulation mandating actions will not be a perfect solution, as by their nature they are always complicated, confusing, and sometimes conflicting. Nevertheless, success in the new circular economy driven market will be easier for those companies who take the time to understand what is occurring, and create action plans to work in a proactive manner with their customers.
Gary A. Jones is the director of environmental, health and safety (EHS) affairs at PRINTING United Alliance in Fairfax, VA. His primary responsibility is to monitor and analyze EHS regulatory activities at all domestic and some international government levels. He provides representation on behalf of the printing and specialty graphic imaging industry. In doing so, Mr. Jones works closely with the federal and state-level Environmental Protection Agencies (EPA), Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA), Department of Transportation (DOT), and other agencies. He also provides membership assistance on EHS compliance and sustainability programs through a variety of approaches including responding to inquiries, presentations, writing, and consulting services.
Mr. Jones is also supporting PRINTING United Alliance’s efforts for the Sustainable Green Printing Partnership (SGP). SGP is dedicated to assisting printing operations respond to the customer demand for sustainable printing.
He holds a BS in biology from LaRoche College and an MS in chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh.