SGIA Partners with Clemson’s Sonoco Institute on Color Management Certification
FAIRFAX, VA. — January 31, 2019 — The Sonoco Institute of Packaging Design and Graphics at Clemson University will conduct independent, third-party evaluations of test prints submitted for certification in the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association’s (SGIA) Digital Color Professional program.
The Digital Color Professional program promotes skill in color management with a two-part certification process. After applicants pass a written test, they must print a test image provided by SGIA. The Sonoco Institute will evaluate those test prints for color quality and consistency using industry agreed-upon specifications.
“Proper color management is crucial for delivering prints that meet or exceed customer demands,” says Ray Weiss, director of Digital Print Programs, SGIA. “Certification through the Digital Color Professional program demonstrates that a printer knows how to get color right consistently.”
Until this partnership, SGIA staff measured the test prints that were submitted for certification.
“The Sonoco Institute’s participation provides independent verification a world-class certification needs,” Weiss adds.
“Clemson is excited to become more involved in the ever-evolving digital printing arena. We are happy to lend our expertise in color management and evaluation to SGIA,” says Bobby Congdon, assistant director, Sonoco Institute.
Since the program’s launch in mid-2017, 196 printing professionals have passed the written assessment, and 47 have achieved certification. The most efficient route to becoming a Certified SGIA Digital Color Professional starts with SGIA’s Color Management Boot Camps. More information about the Boot Camps and the SGIA Digital Color Professional program is online at