Recipients of Big Picture magazine's fourth-annual Women in Print Awards will discuss their roles in today's ever-changing digital print industry and share the experiences – including philanthropy, progressive responsibility, and innovation – that have led them to become successful leaders in the wide-format market. You'll learn how they got their start in the industry, the challenges they've faced, and the reasons they're still here today.

The panelists – winners – are Tracy Hiner, owner/president, Black Crow Studios, Inc.; Tanya McNab, founder and creative director, McNab Visual Strategies; Susan Otterson, president, ABL Imaging Group; Carmen Rad, president, CR&A Custom, Inc.; Debra Rerick, president, Corporate Art Group; and Christine Walsh, president, Alpha Graphics, Inc. It will be moderated by Big Picture magazine's Adrienne Palmer. This panel discussion will be held on Thursday, October 25th at 10:00am in Room C147.