Dave Fellman and Brian Adam announce the release of Rules Of Engagement: A Guide To Better Communication And Better Relationships With Everyone Who Is Important To Your Business. This 223-page book, available in both paperback and eBook formats, focuses on increasing engagement with every business’s three most important constituencies: customers, employees and suppliers.
Dave Fellman is a longtime columnist for Printing News, and before that, Quick Printing magazine. Brian Adam is the president of Olympus Group, a family business which began as a maker of flags, and has now grown to be a leader in grand format printing, with four locations, 200 employees, and more than $30 million in annual sales. Fellman and Adam first met at SGIA Expo in 2018, when both served as panelists on a program titled Essential Small Business Strategies. According to Fellman: “Brian was the leadoff speaker. His topic was Engaging Your Employees. I was next, speaking on Launching A Strong Sales Effort. As I listened to Brian, I was struck by the similarity in our message. He was talking about employees. I would be talking about customers. But we were both talking about talking – and not about talking to employees and customers, but rather about talking with them. We both believe it’s all about communication. I convinced him afterward that there was a book in this, and I’m happy that he agreed.”
“I’ve never thought of myself as a writer,” said Adam. “I run a printing company. But I think we do some things pretty well at Olympus Group, specifically in the area of engaging with our team. When SGIA asked me to be on the panel, I was happy to share some of our strategies. When Dave proposed a book to bring what we know to a broader audience, I was right on board.”
Adam wrote most of the material on Employee Engagement, stressing the importance of giving team members purpose and voice. He describes a wide range of proven strategies for increasing employee engagement. Fellman wrote most of the material on Customer Engagement, ranging from how to bring prospects into the sales funnel in the modern marketplace to strategies for gaining full value from every customer relationship. Both contributed to chapters on Supplier Engagement, and Measurement and Accountability.
The paperback version sells for $21.95, and eBook versions for Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble’s Nook are available for $9.99.
The preceding press release was provided by a company unaffiliated with Wide-Format Impressions. The views expressed within do not directly reflect the thoughts or opinions of Wide-Format Impressions.
- People:
- Brian Adam
- Dave Fellman