Nominations Now Open for the 2020 Wide-Format Rising Stars

Are you mentoring a young professional with enthusiasm and ideas for the future of wide-format? Are you young and just getting started in your career, but already determined to make waves? If so, then Wide-Format Impressions wants to hear about it as part of our 2020 Rising Stars feature!
In an upcoming issue we will be profiling some of the "Industry Up-and-Comers" that will help shape the next generation of wide-format printing. We are looking for individuals who are under 30, but who are already starting to carve their mark. It could be a family business with the next generation starting to step up and take over. Or a wide-format press operator new to the business but who is coming in with ideas for how to improve on a grand scale. Or maybe an entrepreneur who has started a business with the aim of disrupting the status quo. Whoever they are, and however they are standing out, we would love to recognize them as one of our 2020 Rising Stars.
If you know of - or are! - someone who fits this description, fill out this form and we will be in touch to arrange for an interview!