New Developments and Key Considerations About Finishing for Commercial Printing
Serving as a key differentiation tools, developments in both analog and digital finishing technologies are changing the commercial printing playing field and opening avenues of opportunity for enterprising printers. Listen to a blue-ribbon panel of leading postpress industry supplier executives discuss a range of topics, such as managing hybrid offset and digital printing environments; current technologies for finishing short-run digital output; considerations for selecting in-line, near-line or off-line finishing setups; how today's new embellishment techniques add value; what ROI considerations should commercial printers focus on when buying postpress equipment; and ways to overcome the lack of skilled finishing/bindery operators.

NAPCO Media’s Mark Michelson will serve as moderator for the session, “Developments in Finishing for Commercial Printing.” Panel participants include:
- James Tressler, VP of Sales, C.P. Bourg (Booth 7811)
- Rick Salinas, VP of Marketing, Duplo USA (Booth 8408)
- Jörg W. Dähnhardt, VP Postpress, Heidelberg USA, Inc. (Booth 10143)
- Josh Romberg, National Director of Sales, MBO (Booth 9951)
- Andy Fetherman, VP of Sales and Technology, Muller Martini (Booth 10543).
“Printers are adjusting to and are investing in prepress and press technology – however, finishing is often left behind,” notes Dähnhardt. Yet there have been significant advances in all finishing areas, from cutters to folders to die-cutting and folders-gluers, that drive productivity in all segments.
Join this group of commercial print finishing experts on Wednesday, October 23rd at 1:00 pm in Room C144 and learn the latest in commercial printing-focused finishing.