Denise M. Gustavson Editor-in-Chief With 20 years of experience in
the visual communication markets, Gustavson has in-depth knowledge
of the issues, challenges and
technologies of the industry. Reader feedback is always encouraged.
Email: dgustavson@napco.com
PHILADELPHIA, Pa. — March 8, 2019 – NAPCO Media, a leading business-to-business digital media company, announced that Denise M. Gustavson, editorial director for the Print and Packaging Group and editor-in-chief of Wide-Format Impressions, was invited by the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA) to be a member of the Women in Print Alliance Advisory Committee.
Established three years ago as an exploratory committee, the Women in Print Alliance became the newest alliance within the SGIA organization in 2019. Comprised of 17 female members representing multiple U.S. print industry segments including suppliers, business owners, executives and educators, their mission is “to attract, connect and empower women in the print community so they have every opportunity to excel.”
“I am honored to have been asked to be a part of this group of strong women,” said Gustavson. “Over the years as a journalist, I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many incredible women in the visual communications and printing industries and I believe this Committee will allow their stories, their journeys, to be heard so we can continue to attract, connect and empower all women who are part of this dynamic industry.”
The Alliance’s largest event is the Women in Print Alliance Breakfast, previously held at the SGIA Expo and set to continue at this year’s PRINTING United Expo (October 23–25, Dallas), presented by SGIA and NAPCO Media.