The Solution
Stouse knew how to ensure they would avoid any potential pitfalls and obstacles. They handled the project with ease and skill — asking the right questions and offering up solutions, such as: What are the specifics for how this decal will be used? What kinds of issues or concerns have they had with previous suppliers? What do you think is most important to your customer to satisfy their needs? How can we over-deliver to impress the end user? What can we do to provide an experience, a product, that will make them want to come back; and, how could we do all of this economically, so it is a win-win for everyone involved?
The project was successful and the end user was impressed. However, Stouse didn’t stop there. Because they view themselves as a partner to their resellers, they offered additional product samples with the transportation company’s branding to help the reseller expand the business beyond the decal project. The reseller secured a meeting and offered additional branded pieces, and within weeks of that meeting, the reseller secured another large order for one of the products presented.