The AGL 6400 laminator is designed to provide repeatable process control feedback for temperature, speed, pressure, and film tension. The easy-to-read gauges and displays of the 6400 allow a user to identify and communicate the ideal settings for a specific project requirement.
The project manager took it upon himself to program the 6400 with the ideal settings. The 6400’s proprietary roller and heater design ensured a consistent temperature profile, allowing the unit to run, day and night, without the need to overheat the material beyond its tolerances to compensate for anticipated heat loss. This heater design also means the 6400 will maintain desired operating temperature without the need to interrupt the process so the laminator can come back up to temperature. Next, pressure was set to achieve maximum bond, and speed was set to allow the adhesive to activate. Finally, film tension was set to a specific psi for both top and bottom films to prevent excess tension, which was the cause of image curl.
Once the project manager identified the ideal laminator settings, he recorded his settings by taking a picture of the laminator controls with his smartphone. He then printed the picture, and taped it to the side of the 6400 with a note, “These are the settings for the bank project. Any changes see me first!” With all the operators now on the same page, the project was completed in time, and waste was minimal.