FAIRFAX, Va. — Janury 7, 2019 — The organizers of PRINTING United 2019 (October 23-25, Dallas), the largest printing-focused expo in North America, have opened the Call for Presentations for the event. Submissions will be accepted through February 22.
The debut of PRINTING United will feature more than 100 educational sessions on topics including new technologies, printing techniques, market trends and conditions, and sales business strategies.
"PRINTING United is a new event designed to meet the needs of todayís printing businesses, regardless of the segments they serve or are considering," says Ford Bowers, President and CEO, SGIA, which has partnered with NAPCO Media to present PRINTING United. "In keeping with the newness of the expo, we're also seeking new ideas, new opportunities and new experts who understand today's dynamic printing industry."
"The proposal process is easy and is open to all industry professionals who have strong knowledge and actionable information to share," says Dan Marx, director of content development, SGIA, who is overseeing the educational programming for PRINTING United.
Sessions proposed should be non-commercial in focus, and should not promote any specific company or its technologies. Final session selections are made utilizing the input of committees of industry professionals who score proposals based on their quality and relevance to the needs of the printing community.
Proposals can be submitted through Friday, February 22, via the PRINTING United presentation portal. Guidelines for presentations are also posted there.
About PRINTING United
PRINTING United, a new event owned and operated by SGIA in partnership with NAPCO Media, will launch in Dallas, Texas, October 23-25, 2019. Focusing on the opportunities presented by the convergence of printing technologies and markets, PRINTING United will cover print and finishing technologies in industry segments from garment to graphic, packaging to commercial, and industrial. Its objective is to convey all components of integrated solutions to satisfy virtually any client need.
Source: PRINTING United.