Marci Kinter
On Thursday, October 18, join a distinguished panel of experts for the Brands Talking Sustainability luncheon to learn more about how sustainability plays into the wider print effort, and what brands are looking for. The luncheon will be held from 12 pm to 2:00 pm in room N112, and is not part of the Expo + Education pass. Tickets cost $30.

Brian Hite
“The goal is to provide attendees with a snapshot of what organizations are looking for when it comes to sustainability,” says Marci Kinter, VP — Government & Business Information, SGIA. “What are they looking at and thinking about when they talk to their own customers about the subject? How do they view sustainable business practices? Do they just look at the substrate options, or do they consider the operation itself? What are their overarching desires and goals?”

Libra Balian
The luncheon is a chance for all printers across all segments of the industry to come together with like-minded individuals to network and not only hear from the experts, but also get a chance to ask questions and share best practices and tips from peers who are experiencing the same challenges.
The speakers on this year’s panel includes: Yalmaz Siddiqui, VP, Corporate Sustainability, MGM Resorts; Libra Balian, Retail Market Consultant/SGP brand leader chair; and Brian Hite, President, Image Options.
“It’s not enough to say ‘I’m green, pick me,’” Kinter says. “We are starting to see that customers are more sophisticated. They are asking deeper questions, and they want metrics about what you are doing. So it is important to understand what their goals are so you can start a conversation.”
Sustainability goes beyond product: it is about more than just what a print shop offers and is about how the entire operation is run. Everything from safety practices, to recycling, to energy usage all comes into play, and the Brands Talking Sustainability luncheon is an excellent place to learn more, for both those just starting to look at a sustainability program, as well as those who have made it part of the core mission of the shop already.