It's a busy world out there, and sometimes, you just don't have time to sit and read a whole magazine. It's okay - we understand. At the same time, many people are finding that podcasts and audio books are a great way to consume the content they love while still getting work done. At Wide-format Impressions, we understand the frustration at just not having enough hours in a day to read as much as we'd like, so we're embarking on a new way to access our feature stories: Audible Features.
Right now, we're testing a few stories from our May/June issue, where you can listen to the feature being read right from the page, while you're doing something else. But we want your feedback - how would you like to access this content for future issues? Would you prefer to have a playlist for each issue you can access all together? Would you prefer to keep the audio files with the features alone? Would you prefer a subscription via a podcast model to have them automatically accessible when the print issue mails?
Let us know your thoughts, what you like and dislike, and what would make the Audible Features work best for you, and as we prepare to roll this out to future issues, we'll be taking all of that into account to ensure we give you get the content you want, when you want it, and in the format that serves you best. Email, and I'll be excited to hear your suggestions for this new feature of Wide-format Impressions magazine!
Listen to some of the features from May/June 2022:
Lights, Camera, ACTION! Creating the Graphics Behind Movie Magic
Printing Goes Into the Deep at Monterey Bay Aquarium Exhibit
3D Printing: Printing Opportunity with Depth
Disaster Planning 101: Updating your Business Contingency Plan
Toni McQuilken is the senior editor for the printing and packaging group.