The new tax reforms this year have a big impact on businesses. Lee Resnick, Partner at Resnick Associates, and his brother Terrance, Partner at Resnick Associates, are hosting a session to help business owners navigate these tax reforms. It will be today at 2 pm in room N116.
The presentation focuses on keeping an attendee’s business successful in the future, preserving an attendee’s business wealth and the ramifications that the 2018 tax reforms have on both of those objectives.
Business owners need to take steps now to ensure a successful succession in the future. The presenters will discuss some of the pitfalls businesses can face when they do not have a succession plan in place, how that can hurt the future of the business and how to avoid those issues from befalling an attendee’s business.
“Business owners are primarily focused on running and growing their businesses. Our session gives them the tools they need to protect and ultimately transition their companies,” Lee Resnick says. “If they are negligent about the information we provide, they will be doing themselves, their businesses and families a tremendous disservice.”
Along with a focus on a succession plan, the Resnicks will also focus on how to keep attendee’s businesses wealthy by keeping their tax bills down.
With the new tax code in effect, they will discuss the impact that has on businesses and how they should adjust their policies to legally satisfy the reforms, while still keeping their tax bills down.
- People:
- Lee Resnick
- Terrance Resnick